Slutever (2018) is a provocative and thought-provoking documentary series that takes an unapologetic and honest look at female sexuality, gender, and love. Hosted by sex writer Karley Sciortino, each episode explores a different aspect of these topics, challenging traditional and outdated beliefs.
Through interviews, personal experiences, and immersive fieldwork, Sciortino delves deep into various subcultures and explores everything from BDSM to polyamory, shedding light on the diverse ways in which people express and experience their sexuality. The series serves as a platform for marginalized voices, with a focus on inclusivity and understanding.
Slutever encourages viewers to question societal norms and prejudices surrounding female sexuality, presenting a refreshing and open-minded perspective. With a mix of humor, frank discussions, and an exploration of personal vulnerabilities, the series offers a safe and engaging space for discussions around challenging topics.
In each episode, Sciortino skillfully navigates through complex and often misunderstood subjects with sincerity and curiosity. Slutever seeks to empower individuals to embrace their desires, redefine boundaries, and challenge limitations placed on them by society.
Prepare to embark on a sex-positive journey that challenges preconceived notions and offers a fresh perspective on female sexuality. Slutever is a fearless and enlightening series that is bound to spark important conversations.