Slumber (2017) is a thrilling horror film centered around a sleep doctor's desperate attempt to save a vulnerable family from a malevolent demon that preys on its victims while they sleep. Dr. Alice Arnolds, a renowned specialist in sleep disorders, is tasked with uncovering the truth behind a series of terrifying nightmares haunting a family's youngest child, Danny Morgan.
As Dr. Arnolds delves deeper into her investigation, she begins to unravel a sinister secret rooted in the world of sleep paralysis and ancient folklore. With the family's safety hanging in the balance, Dr. Arnolds must team up with her colleagues to devise a plan to free them from the clutches of the malevolent demon before it consumes them all.
Set against the backdrop of intense psychological tension, Slumber combines elements of horror, thrills, and suspense, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. With remarkable performances by the cast, led by Dr. Arnolds played by Maggie Q, the film provides a chilling exploration of the uncharted territories of the human mind.
Slumber (2017) promises to deliver a heart-pounding viewing experience, appealing to horror enthusiasts and fans of psychological thrillers alike. Prepare yourself for twisted nightmares, sinister secrets, and a race against time as Dr. Arnolds battles to protect the vulnerable family from an otherworldly malevolence lurking in the depths of their dreams.
Also Known As:
SlumberRelease Date:
01 Dec 2017Writers:
Richard Hobley, Jonathan HopkinsAwards:
1 nomination