In Sleeping Beauty (2014), a young Prince discovers that a beautiful Princess has fallen into a cursed eternal slumber. Determined to break the spell and rescue her, he sets out on a perilous journey with his loyal aide. Along the way, they face numerous challenges, including battling an evil queen and hordes of undead monsters.
This visually stunning adaptation of the classic fairy tale follows the Prince's quest to wake the Princess from her deep slumber. As they navigate through enchanted forests and treacherous terrains, they encounter magical creatures and face grave dangers. The Prince's devotion to saving the Princess is unwavering, even as he is confronted with unimaginable obstacles.
Directed by a visionary filmmaker, Sleeping Beauty offers an immersive experience with its breathtaking cinematography and captivating storytelling. The film seamlessly blends fantasy and adventure to create an enchanting world that will captivate audiences of all ages.
With its epic battles and heartwarming moments, Sleeping Beauty is a must-watch for fans of fantasy and fairy tale adaptations. This modern retelling of a beloved tale will leave viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly rooting for the Prince and the Princess's ultimate triumph over darkness. Prepare to be swept away by a magical and spellbinding adventure in Sleeping Beauty.
Also Known As:
Sleeping BeautyRelease Date:
16 Jul 2014Writers:
R. Dessertine, Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm