SKY Castle (2018–2019) is a satirical drama that provides a thrilling and insightful exploration of the materialistic desires prevalent among upper-class parents in South Korea. The series delves into the ruthless measures these parents are willing to take to secure their family's success, even if it means destroying the lives of others in the process.
Throughout the show, viewers are taken into the elite world of SKY Castle, a luxurious residential area for prestigious families. The plot revolves around four families, each striving to ensure their children's admission into top South Korean universities like Seoul National University. These parents stop at nothing to secure a bright future for their offspring, including manipulating school rankings and hiring expensive tutors.
As the story unfolds, SKY Castle exposes the negative impact of such ambitions on both parents and children. The series highlights the pressure faced by these young students, who must constantly live up to their parents' high expectations and sacrifice their own dreams and happiness.
Through its sharp and poignant storytelling, SKY Castle sheds light on the dark side of wealth and success, offering a scathing critique of the materialistic drive that permeates society. This addictive drama will captivate audiences with its complex characters, intricate plot twists, and thought-provoking exploration of the high price of success.
Also Known As:
SKY CastleRelease Date:
23 Nov 2018Awards:
7 wins & 7 nominations.