In the 1982 film Skulden, the audience is introduced to Rune Strand, a journalist residing in a suburban area of Stockholm with his wife and children. Despite his seemingly comfortable life, Rune finds himself facing financial difficulties that threaten to upend his stability. As Rune grapples with mounting debts and monetary strain, he must navigate the complexities of his personal and professional life while trying to secure his family's well-being.
Skulden delves into the challenges and pressures that Rune faces as he confronts the consequences of his financial struggles. Through Rune's experiences, the film explores themes of responsibility, sacrifice, and the effects of economic hardship on individuals and their relationships. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are taken on a compelling journey that sheds light on the realities of financial strain and the toll it can take on one's life.
With a captivating storyline and nuanced character development, Skulden offers a poignant exploration of the impact of financial insecurity on individuals and their loved ones.
Also Known As:
SkuldenRelease Date:
15 Jan 1982