Skins is a critically acclaimed British drama series that follows the lives of a group of teenagers as they navigate the challenges of growing up, seeking love and happiness despite their questionable upbringing and unorthodox relationships with their teachers.
Set in Bristol, the series delves into the lives of captivating and diverse characters, each dealing with their own personal struggles and desires. Drawing attention to the harsh realities of adolescence, Skins doesn't shy away from exploring themes such as mental illness, sexuality, drug abuse, and dysfunctional family dynamics.
With its raw and unfiltered portrayal of teenage life, Skins captivates audiences by showcasing the authentic experiences and emotions of its characters. The series depicts the complex relationships formed, both romantic and platonic, as well as the conflicts and self-discovery that often come with the journey to adulthood.
The show has garnered critical acclaim for its bold storytelling, relatable characters, and powerful performances from its young cast. Skins has become a cult favorite, praised for its realistic portrayal of teenage life and tackling sensitive issues with nuance and sensitivity.
Explore the turbulent world of adolescence and join these British teens as they navigate the complexities of life, love, and friendship in Skins.
Also Known As:
SkinsRelease Date:
17 Jan 2011Writers:
Jamie Brittain, Bryan ElsleyAwards:
Won 2 BAFTA 7 wins & 34 nominations total