Sjölyckan is a Swedish drama series that revolves around the Kling family, who reside in their idyllic paradise in the stunning Stockholm archipelago. Through a series of episodes, viewers delve into the lives of the family members and their intertwined relationships, experiencing the joys, challenges, and secrets that unfold in their picturesque surroundings.
The series focuses on the strong bonds between family members, as well as their individual struggles and aspirations. From the parents, Erik and Nina, who navigate the complexities of their long-term relationship and careers, to their three children, Anton, Isabelle, and Simon, who face the challenges of adolescence and finding their own paths in life.
Set against the backdrop of the breathtaking Stockholm archipelago, audiences are treated to stunning visuals of serene landscapes, which perfectly contrast with the intense emotions and conflicts that arise within the family dynamic. As the series progresses, viewers witness the Kling family come to terms with their shared past and confront the consequences of their actions.
With its engaging storyline, well-developed characters, and breathtaking scenery, Sjölyckan offers a captivating and emotional glimpse into the lives of the Kling family, exploring themes of love, loyalty, and the complexities of human relationships.
Also Known As:
SjölyckanRelease Date:
06 Apr 2018