Sisarukset (2023) follows the journey of Finnish twins, Jenna and Joni, who discover the existence of their older half-sister, Jóna, living in Iceland. Their first meeting in Reykjavik sparks a life-changing journey as the three siblings navigate the complexities of their newfound family dynamic. Along the way, they grapple with the challenges and choices that come with adulthood, including balancing career ambitions, relationships, parenthood, and confronting illness.
As Jenna, Joni, and Jóna embark on this emotional rollercoaster, they must reconcile their past, present, and future while forging new bonds and connections. The film delves into themes of identity, belonging, and the enduring power of familial ties.
Join the siblings on their poignant and heartfelt exploration of love, loss, and the enduring strength of family in Sisarukset.
Also Known As:
SisaruksetRelease Date:
27 Oct 2023Writers:
Saara Cantell, Marita Hällfors, Sami Kiiski