In the action-packed movie Sinister Squad (2016), Earth faces a perilous threat from a supernatural cult. With the fate of the world at stake, a courageous woman named Alice embarks on a mission to protect the planet. To combat the formidable cult, Alice must bring together a team of intriguing characters, all of whom are iconic fairy tale villains infused with dark powers.
This thrilling adventure follows Alice as she assembles the team known as the Sinister Squad, consisting of notorious villains such as the Wicked Queen, the Big Bad Wolf, the Wolfman, and the Evil Queen. Together, they confront the literal forces of Death, bent on wreaking havoc and destruction upon Earth.
As the Sinister Squad goes head-to-head with their formidable enemies, they are forced to confront their own inner demons and past mistakes. Each member of the team brings their unique abilities and dark magic to the battle, ultimately demonstrating that even villains can find redemption and fight for a greater cause.
Sinister Squad is a riveting film that blends fantasy, action, and suspense, captivating audiences with its high-stakes plot and captivating characters. With a strong emphasis on teamwork and redemption, this movie delivers an exciting and unique take on classic fairy tale villains, offering a fresh perspective on these iconic characters.
Also Known As:
Sinister SquadRelease Date:
05 Jul 2016Writers:
Jeremy M. Inman