Silent Cargo (2022) is a gripping crime thriller that is based on true events and follows the story of Augustín Álvarez, a fisherman and former Spanish amateur boxer. Set in November 2019, the film focuses on Álvarez's plans to smuggle three tons of cocaine from Latin America to Europe, in an operation known as Maré Negra.
Directed by Daniel Calparsoro, Oskar Santos, and João Maia, Silent Cargo boasts a talented cast, led by Álex González (3 Caminos) as the protagonist. He is joined by Leandro Firmino (City of God), Bruno Gagliasso (Marighella), Nerea Barros (La Isla Mínima), and Miquel Insua (La Unidad).
The film takes viewers on a thrilling journey as Álvarez navigates the dangerous world of drug trafficking, facing numerous obstacles and betrayals along the way. As tensions rise and the stakes get higher, Álvarez must rely on his wits and resourcefulness to ensure the success of his operation.
Silent Cargo skillfully weaves together elements of suspense, action, and drama, creating a compelling narrative that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. With its gritty portrayal of the criminal underworld and its exploration of the human cost of drug trafficking, the film offers a thought-provoking and thrilling viewing experience.
Get ready for a gritty and intense ride with Silent Cargo, a must-watch crime thriller inspired by true events.
Also Known As:
Operación Marea NegraRelease Date:
25 Feb 2022