Shooter is a gripping conspiracy thriller series based on the best-selling novel Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter and the 2007 Paramount film starring Mark Wahlberg. The show follows the journey of Bob Lee Swagger, a highly-decorated veteran who is reluctantly drawn back into action to thwart a plot to assassinate the President. Played by Ryan Phillippe, Swagger is approached by his former commanding officer, Isaac Johnson, who seeks his expertise in a top-secret mission. However, Swagger soon discovers that he has been set up and must fight to protect his family and prove his innocence.
As the series unfolds, viewers are taken on a thrilling ride filled with twists and turns as Swagger uncovers a complex web of conspiracy and deception. Faced with powerful enemies and limited resources, he must rely on his military training and sharpshooting skills to stay one step ahead of those who want him dead. With his life and the fate of the nation hanging in the balance, Swagger becomes a relentless force determined to uncover the truth and bring those responsible to justice.
Shooter combines high-stakes action, suspenseful storytelling, and a compelling lead performance from Ryan Phillippe. This addictive series will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they join Swagger on his dangerous quest for redemption.