The Defeated (2020) is a gripping historical drama set in Berlin, 1946, following Max McLaughlin, an American cop assigned to establish a police force in the war-torn city. As chaos and political turmoil dominate the post-war era, Max struggles to maintain law and order.
Arriving in Berlin with high hopes, Max quickly realizes the magnitude of the task ahead. The city is divided, with multiple factions fighting for power, including the Nazis, the Soviets, and the allies. Max must navigate through a sea of corruption, violence, and betrayal to create a police force that can bring justice to the chaotic streets.
The series delves deep into the psyche of Max, a man haunted by his past and seeking redemption. As he investigates various crimes, Max becomes entangled in a web of secrets, uncovering a conspiracy that reaches the highest levels of power.
The Defeated exposes the impact of war on individuals and society, exploring themes of guilt, loyalty, and the blurry line between justice and vengeance. The stellar cast, led by Taylor Kitsch as Max McLaughlin, delivers compelling performances that bring the characters to life.
With its atmospheric setting, intricate plot, and gritty realism, The Defeated promises an intense and thought-provoking viewing experience. Dive into the chaotic aftermath of World War II with this compelling series.
Also Known As:
The DefeatedRelease Date:
18 Aug 2021