In the thrilling horror-comedy Severance (2006), a team-building retreat in the serene mountains turns into a blood-soaked nightmare for a group of sales representatives. As they embark on their trip, tensions rise among the mismatched colleagues who are either trying to impress their ambitious boss or simply survive the grueling wilderness adventure.
However, their troubles escalate dramatically when an unknown enemy starts hunting them down, picking them off one by one. Faced with unimaginable danger, the group must band together to figure out who is behind the attacks and find a way to survive.
Severance offers a unique blend of horror and humor, making it a highly entertaining watch for fans of both genres. The film brilliantly combines intense and suspenseful moments with dark humor, creating an engaging and thrilling experience.
Directed by Christopher Smith, Severance features a talented ensemble cast, including Danny Dyer, Laura Harris, and Tim McInnerny, who deliver standout performances. The crisp mountain scenery serves as a striking backdrop to the group's harrowing journey, heightening the tension and emphasizing the characters' isolation.
With its clever twists and turns, Severance keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the exhilarating climax. This gripping horror-comedy promises an unforgettable, thrilling ride that will leave audiences entertained and breathless. Don't miss out on this darkly humorous and chilling adventure.
Also Known As:
SeveranceRelease Date:
25 Aug 2006Writers:
James Moran, Christopher SmithAwards:
3 wins & 2 nominations