In the year 2092, Space Sweepers takes place, revolving around the crew of The Victory, a space junk collector ship. The ship's crew, composed of Captain Jang, Tae-ho, Tiger Park, and a robot named Bubs, survive by salvaging debris and scraps from space. However, their lives take an unexpected turn when they stumble upon Dorothy, a remarkable robot rumored to possess devastating weapons.
This discovery plunges the crew into a perilous situation as they become entangled in a dangerous business deal. With various factions vying to get their hands on Dorothy, including the UTS Corporation and their ruthless CEO Sullivan, the crew must navigate treacherous waters to secure their survival.
As the crew embarks on their mission, they discover secrets and unexpected bonds within their ranks, all while grappling with their own past traumas and regrets. Space Sweepers offers a thrilling and visually stunning journey through space, filled with action, suspense, and heartwarming moments.
This South Korean film, directed by Jo Sung-hee, features a talented cast led by Song Joong-ki as Tae-ho and Kim Tae-ri as Captain Jang. With its stunning special effects and engaging storyline, Space Sweepers is an exhilarating sci-fi adventure that explores themes of redemption, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey with the crew of The Victory as they navigate the vastness of space and confront their own demons.
Also Known As:
Space SweepersRelease Date:
05 Feb 2021Writers:
Sung-hee Jo, Seung-min Yoon, Seo-ae Yoo-KangAwards:
7 wins & 17 nominations