In the futuristic world of Seoul Busters (2024), audiences are introduced to the nation's weakest squad and the fearless leader of the elite Violent Crime Team. When these two forces collide, they are forced to put aside their differences and team up in order to become the ultimate fighting force. As they undergo intense training and face various challenges, a strong bond begins to form between the members of the squad and the Violent Crime Team leader. Together, they must navigate through a series of dangerous missions and confront powerful adversaries in order to prove their worth and rise to the top.
Seoul Busters (2024) is a thrilling action-packed film that blends elements of teamwork, friendship, and high-stakes adventure. With stunning visuals and heart-pounding action sequences, this movie will keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Join the squad and the Violent Crime Team leader on their epic journey to become the best team in the nation in Seoul Busters (2024).
Also Known As:
GangmaegangRelease Date:
11 Sep 2024Writers:
Ok-gyu Lee