Seis Manos is an exhilarating animated series that seamlessly blends elements of martial arts, supernatural forces, crime, and ancient traditions. Set in Mexico during the 1970s, the story revolves around three orphans who were trained by a martial arts master. When their mentor is brutally murdered, the trio finds themselves entangled in a dangerous conspiracy that combines drug cartels, demonic powers, and blood sacrifice.
As the orphans embark on their quest for justice, they uncover a mysterious artifact that draws upon ancient rituals and grants supernatural abilities. Their path leads them to confront a powerful drug lord and a notorious cartel, forcing them to unleash their skills in a battle against evil like they've never imagined.
With its visually stunning animation and intense action sequences, Seis Manos provides a thrilling ride that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The series delves into complex themes such as redemption, vengeance, and the importance of unity in the face of adversity.
Fans of martial arts films, supernatural thrillers, and crime dramas will find themselves captivated by the rich storytelling and unique blend of genres in Seis Manos. Prepare to be immersed in a world where ancient rituals collide with modern-day danger, as three heroes fight to protect their loved ones and uncover the truth behind the atrocities they face.
Also Known As:
Seis ManosRelease Date:
03 Oct 2019Writers:
Brad Graeber, Álvaro RodríguezAwards:
2 nominations.