Secret City is a gripping Australian political drama series set in the deceptive underbelly of Canberra, Australia's capital city. Against the backdrop of escalating tensions between China and America, renowned political journalist Harriet Dunkley stumbles upon a clandestine network of interconnected conspiracies that not only threaten innocent lives but also put her own life in jeopardy.
This fast-paced, suspenseful show plunges viewers into a world of political intrigue and cover-ups, as Harriet navigates through a maze of secrets to uncover the truth. The series skillfully balances international affairs with personal dilemmas, providing a powerful commentary on the state of modern politics.
As Harriet delves deeper into the hidden secrets of the secretive city, she unravels a web of corruption and power struggles. With every discovery, she uncovers new risks and witnesses danger lurking around every corner. As tensions escalate between global superpowers, she must confront her own demons and fight to protect her own survival.
Secret City offers a thrilling and thought-provoking narrative, highlighting the complexity of politics and the potential consequences of hidden agendas. With its strong performances and well-crafted plot, this series keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, completely engrossed in the dangerous world behind the placid facade.
Also Known As:
Secret CityRelease Date:
05 Jun 2016Awards:
2 wins & 3 nominations.