Hostile Waters is a gripping drama based on a real-life incident that occurred in October 1986. The story revolves around a Soviet submarine named K-219 that is carrying nuclear missiles. It collides with an American nuclear submarine near Bermuda, leading to a tense and potentially catastrophic situation. As tensions between the two superpowers rise, a team of Soviet officers led by Captain Britanov must navigate the treacherous waters and prevent a potential nuclear disaster.
The film highlights the dramatic events that unfold as the crew members of both submarines try to prevent their vessels from sinking. With time running out and the threat of a nuclear explosion looming, the crew members must find a way to work together despite their adversities.
Hostile Waters captures the political tensions of the Cold War era and the high stakes involved in nuclear warfare. The film explores the challenges faced by the crew members as they struggle to survive and avert a global catastrophe. It serves as a reminder of the power and destructiveness of nuclear weapons and the importance of diplomacy and cooperation in preventing such tragedies.
With powerful performances from the cast and expertly crafted suspense, Hostile Waters is a must-watch for fans of gripping historical dramas and military thrillers.
Also Known As:
Hostile WatersRelease Date:
26 Jul 1997Writers:
Troy Kennedy-MartinAwards:
1 nomination.