Scorpion (2014–2018) is an exciting and action-packed television series that follows the story of an eccentric genius who forms a team of brilliant individuals, together known as Scorpion. This extraordinary group of super-geniuses, including a behaviorist, a mechanical prodigy, and a mathematical wizard, is recruited by the U.S. government to tackle complex challenges and protect the world from imminent threats.
Led by the enigmatic Walter O'Brien, the team possesses a diverse set of skills that make them invaluable in solving seemingly impossible problems. From averting natural disasters to preventing high-tech heists, Scorpion confronts a wide range of modern-day crises. They combine their exceptional intellects with technological prowess to come up with unorthodox solutions that often push the boundaries of possibility.
As the last line of defense against the perils of the modern world, Scorpion finds themselves facing extraordinary situations that demand quick thinking and unconventional approaches. Their abilities are further tested by their own personal struggles, leading to moments of intense drama and character development.
Scorpion provides audiences with a thrilling mix of high-stakes action, witty banter, and unexpected alliances. This gripping and fast-paced series showcases the power of human intellect and the remarkable ways in which it can triumph over adversity. Get ready to embark on a suspenseful journey with Scorpion as they race against time to protect the world from complex threats.
Also Known As:
ScorpionRelease Date:
22 Sep 2014Writers:
Nick SantoraAwards:
1 win & 6 nominations