Scorned (2013) is a thrilling and intense movie centered around the consequences of infidelity. The story follows Kevin, whose secret affair with his girlfriend Sadie's best friend is discovered. Unfortunately for Kevin, Sadie is not just any ordinary woman – she's secretly insane.
Sadie decides to take matters into her own hands by planning a romantic weekend getaway for the three of them. However, this trip is far from romantic. It quickly turns into a nightmare as Sadie unleashes her fury on Kevin and his lover through a series of terrifying and twisted psychosexual games.
As the plot unfolds, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of suspense and dread. The tension escalates with each passing scene as Sadie's vengeance becomes increasingly brutal. The characters are forced to confront their darkest desires and face the consequences of their actions.
Scorned explores themes of betrayal, obsession, and the lengths people will go to seek revenge. The performances by AnnaLynne McCord and Viva Bianca bring the characters to life, displaying their complex emotions and psychological torment.
This riveting film will keep audiences on the edge of their seats, questioning the limits of human sanity and the dangers of crossing the wrong person. Scorned is a chilling and gripping psychological thriller that will leave audiences breathless.