In the gripping TV series Scandal (2012–2018), viewers are immersed in a world of political intrigue, scandalous affairs, and high-stakes crisis management. The show revolves around Olivia Pope, a former White House Communications Director who decides to venture out on her own and establish a crisis management firm in Washington D.C. However, she soon discovers that her clients are not the only ones hiding dark secrets.
Each episode takes viewers on a thrilling journey as Olivia, played by the talented Kerry Washington, and her team of expert problem-solvers navigate through scandals, media firestorms, and personal dilemmas. With Olivia's razor-sharp intellect and uncanny ability to manipulate any situation, the audience is kept on the edge of their seats, wondering what shocking revelation will be unveiled next.
Scandal delves into the corrupt world of politics and power, exposing the underbelly of Washington D.C. as Olivia and her team go head-to-head with politicians, corporate giants, and influential figures. From covering up illicit affairs to handling political crises, the characters grapple with their own moral compasses as they try to maintain their own integrity in a world of pervasive corruption.
With its clever writing, captivating performances, and suspenseful plot twists, Scandal has become a fan favorite. This addictive series explores the fine line between power and morality, making it an enthralling watch for anyone drawn to the darker side of politics. So, buckle up and prepare for an exhilarating ride through the scandal-ridden world of Olivia Pope and her team of crisis managers.
Also Known As:
ScandalRelease Date:
05 Apr 2012Writers:
Shonda RhimesAwards:
Won 2 Primetime Emmys. 35 wins & 71 nominations total