In the highly anticipated fourth installment of the Saw franchise, Saw IV (2007), Jigsaw and his apprentice Amanda are dead, leaving the community terrified. Detective Kerry's murder brings FBI agents Strahm and Perez to assist Detective Hoffman in unraveling Jigsaw's latest twisted game. As they delve into the case, they must face a series of grisly remains and put together the puzzle left behind by the sadistic killer.
Just when they think they have a handle on the situation, SWAT Commander Rigg is suddenly abducted and thrust into a deadly game of his own. Running against the clock, Rigg has only ninety minutes to navigate through a series of demented traps and save an old friend, or else face dire consequences.
As the tension escalates, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its trademark suspense and intense gore. Saw IV delves deeper into the twisted world of Jigsaw, revealing shocking secrets and unexpected connections.
With its intricate plot, jaw-dropping twists, and terrifying traps, Saw IV offers fans of the franchise another thrilling and heart-pounding experience. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery unravels and the true extent of Jigsaw's legacy is revealed.