Savage Streets is a gripping 1984 revenge thriller that follows the story of Brenda, a fierce teenage vigilante, determined to seek justice against a group of vicious thugs responsible for the heinous assault on her handicapped sister, and the murder of her closest friend. As Brenda embarks on her quest for revenge, she employs a series of clever strategies to outwit her merciless adversaries.
Directed by Danny Steinmann and starring Linda Blair, best known for her iconic role in The Exorcist, Savage Streets is a raw and intense film that delves into themes of vengeance and the fight against injustice. It showcases the strength and resilience of the female protagonist in a world filled with brutality and despair.
Throughout the movie, Brenda's determination and resourcefulness take center stage, as she uses her street smarts and unyielding spirit to outmaneuver the thugs who think they can escape the consequences of their actions. The film also explores the power of friendship and the lengths one is willing to go to protect loved ones.
With its gritty atmosphere, intense action sequences, and memorable performances, Savage Streets is a must-watch for fans of revenge-driven narratives and those seeking a thrilling and thought-provoking movie experience. Immerse yourself in Brenda's journey of redemption as she fights to avenge the unspeakable crimes that forever changed the lives of those she holds dear.
Also Known As:
Savage StreetsRelease Date:
05 Oct 1984Writers:
Norman Yonemoto, Danny Steinmann, John StrongAwards:
1 win.