Santa Clarita Diet is a captivating dark comedy television series set in Santa Clarita, California. The show revolves around the lives of Sheila and Joel, a married couple who work as real estate agents. Their peaceful suburban life takes a bizarre and unexpected turn when Sheila suddenly dies. However, what follows is even stranger: Sheila rises from the dead, but with a violent and insatiable appetite for human flesh.
As Joel and Sheila navigate this bizarre predicament, they discreetly begin searching for the cause of Sheila's transformation, hoping for a cure that can bring her back to normal. Along the way, they encounter a range of challenges and revelations, including uncovering a mysterious group connected to Sheila's condition.
Santa Clarita Diet combines elements of horror, comedy, and romance to create a unique and thrilling storyline. The show masterfully balances the couple's quest for a cure with the darkness and chaos that emerges from Sheila's newfound diet. With its clever writing, compelling characters, and unexpected twists, Santa Clarita Diet offers a captivating and entertaining viewing experience.
Dive into this darkly comedic journey with Sheila and Joel, as they navigate the complexities of living with Sheila's hunger for human flesh while trying to maintain some semblance of a normal life. Can they find a cure? Or will they succumb to the challenges and repercussions of Sheila's diet? Watch Santa Clarita Diet to find out.
Also Known As:
Santa Clarita DietRelease Date:
03 Feb 2017Writers:
Victor FrescoAwards:
6 nominations