Sanning eller konsekvens is a Swedish coming-of-age film released in 1997. Set during Nora's sixth-grade year, the movie delves into the complex world of friendships, loyalty, and personal growth. Nora finds herself torn between two contrasting groups of friends, unsure of where she truly belongs. On one hand, she sympathizes with Karin, a girl who is being bullied, and feels compelled to support and befriend her. However, Nora is also drawn to the allure of friendship with the tough and popular Fanny and Sabina.
As the film progresses, Nora navigates the challenges of adolescence, grappling with her own identity and the consequences of her choices. With each decision Nora makes, she becomes more aware of the power dynamics and complexities within her social circle. Through various twists and turns, Nora is forced to confront the consequences of her actions and question her values.
Sanning eller konsekvens provides an honest and relatable portrayal of the dilemmas and uncertainties that adolescents face. It delves into universal themes of friendship, bullying, and personal growth, providing a thought-provoking narrative that will resonate with viewers of all ages.