Salvation Boulevard is a thrilling comedy set in the world of mega-churches, following the unpredictable journey of a former Deadhead-turned-born again Christian. The movie revolves around the protagonist, who unexpectedly finds himself on the run from fundamentalist members of his mega-church.
As the story unfolds, our main character gets into a dangerous predicament when he stumbles upon a crime scene that implicates their charismatic pastor. In an attempt to protect their larger-than-life spiritual leader, the fundamentalists turn against him, leaving him with no choice but to go on the run.
Throughout his thrilling escape, our protagonist encounters an eclectic mix of characters, from an atheist professor to a federal agent with a questionable past. Together, they team up to expose the truth behind the crime and uncover the dark secrets lurking within the mega-church.
Salvation Boulevard expertly combines elements of satire, comedy, and suspense to deliver a thought-provoking story that explores themes of faith, deception, and hypocrisy. With a star-studded cast, including Pierce Brosnan, Ed Harris, and Jennifer Connelly, the film offers a captivating portrayal of the conflicts and complexities within the world of organized religion.
Catch Salvation Boulevard on our streaming platform for an unpredictable and entertaining ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat.