SAINTS REST is a captivating musical drama that takes place in a quaint town in Iowa. The film centers around two sisters who have grown apart, but find solace and a sense of connection through their mutual passion for music. The story unfolds over the course of a summer, during which the siblings are dealing with the loss of their mother.
This heartfelt film explores the complex relationship between the sisters as they navigate through their grief. Through music, they begin to rebuild their bond and find healing amidst the pain. The movie beautifully captures the power of music to bring people together and provide a much-needed outlet for expression.
SAINTS REST paints a vivid picture of small-town life, with its intimate settings and close-knit community. The film showcases the talented cast, who deliver powerful performances and bring depth to their characters. This emotional journey will resonate with viewers, as it touches on themes of loss, family, and the healing power of music.
With its compelling storyline and beautiful soundtrack, SAINTS REST is a must-watch for lovers of music and heartfelt dramas. Experience the power of music and the strength of sisterhood in this moving film.
Also Known As:
Saints RestRelease Date:
18 May 2019Writers:
Noga Ashkenazi, Tyson Stock