Safe (2012) is an action-packed thriller set in China and New York City. The story revolves around two main characters, Mei and Luke, whose paths intersect when Mei is taken hostage by the Chinese Triads. Mei, a young genius with a unique ability to visualize numbers like a computer, is forced by the Triad boss to go to Chinatown, NYC, to aid him in his illicit activities.
Meanwhile, Luke is a former fighter whose life has been torn apart after accidentally killing a Russian mafia member during a match. The repercussions of this act result in the murder of Luke's wife and his descent into alcoholism and hopelessness.
When Mei is entrusted with memorizing a crucial number, she becomes the target of both the Russian Mafia, who abduct her, and the corrupt NYPD detectives. A thrilling chase ensues as Mei flees from her captors, and Luke, stumbling across her in the subway, takes it upon himself to protect her.
As the unlikely duo embarks on a dangerous mission, Luke discovers that the number Mei holds in her memory is the combination to a safe containing 30 million dollars belonging to the Triads. Luke, drawing upon his elite agent skills, uses all means necessary to save Mei from the relentless pursuit of various ruthless factions.
Safe offers relentless action, high-stakes suspense, and unexpected alliances as Luke fights to protect Mei and uncover the truth behind the dangerous game of power and corruption that has entangled them both.
Also Known As:
SafeRelease Date:
27 Apr 2012Writers:
Boaz YakinAwards:
2 nominations