*Rurangi (2020)* is a thought-provoking drama film that explores themes of identity, reconciliation, and acceptance. The story follows transgender activist Caz Davis, who returns to his conservative hometown of Rurangi after ten years of absence. With the intention of reconnecting with his estranged father, who is unaware of Caz's transition, he finds himself confronted with personal and community challenges.
Set in a remote dairy community, Rurangi is politically divided and resistant to change. Caz, portrayed by Arishma Chand, struggles to find acceptance amidst a society grappling with issues of gender identity and inclusion. As he attempts to rebuild his relationships, he is forced to confront his own past and the choices that led him away from Rurangi.
Directed by Max Currie, the film skillfully captures the complexities of living in a conservative community while grappling with personal growth and identity. The performances are powerful and heartfelt, particularly Chand's portrayal of Caz, as he navigates the emotional minefield of reconnecting with his father, friends, and former love interest.
*Rurangi* presents a timely and relevant narrative, shedding light on the challenges faced by transgender individuals in a society that often rejects or misunderstands them. With its rich character development, poignant storytelling, and authentic portrayal of rural life, this film offers a compelling and much-needed exploration of acceptance and reconciliation.
Also Known As:
RurangiRelease Date:
04 Feb 2021Writers:
Cole Meyers, Oliver PageAwards:
3 wins