Running Scared (2006) is a gritty and suspenseful crime thriller that follows the intense and dangerous journey of Joey Gazelle, a low-ranking thug working for a powerful crime boss. One night, Joey is assigned the task of disposing of a gun used to kill corrupt policemen. However, when his young son's best friend, Oleg, discovers the hidden weapon, events take a dark and chaotic turn.
The story unfolds as Joey races against time to retrieve the gun before its existence is uncovered. In a series of heart-pounding encounters, Joey crosses paths with a ruthless gang led by Anzor, a sadistic Russian mobster who has his own sinister plans for the weapon. As Joey desperately navigates the treacherous criminal underworld, he encounters a cast of morally ambiguous characters, including pimps, pedophiles, and corrupt cops, all with their own secrets and agendas.
Running Scared is a gripping and visually stunning film that skillfully balances action, suspense, and unexpected plot twists. Directed by Wayne Kramer, the movie delves into the dark underbelly of organized crime, exploring themes of trust, loyalty, and survival. With a commanding performance by Paul Walker as Joey Gazelle, the film captivates audiences with its intense atmosphere and relentless pacing.
Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled ride through the criminal underworld in Running Scared. Will Joey be able to protect his son and retrieve the gun before it falls into the wrong hands? Tune in now and watch this explosive and suspenseful thriller.
Also Known As:
Running ScaredRelease Date:
24 Feb 2006Writers:
Wayne KramerAwards:
4 nominations