In the 2007 comedy film Run Fatboy Run, viewers are introduced to Dennis, who five years prior left his pregnant fiancée on their wedding day. Determined to prove himself and win her back, he sets out on a mission to run a marathon. Despite being out of shape and facing numerous obstacles along the way, Dennis is fueled by his love for his former fiancée and the desire to redeem himself in her eyes. As he embarks on this challenging journey, Dennis not only pushes himself physically but also learns important lessons about commitment, determination, and the true meaning of love.
The film captures Dennis' hilarious and heartwarming quest as he navigates through the highs and lows of training for the marathon. With a blend of comedy and heartfelt moments, Run Fatboy Run offers viewers a story of redemption, self-discovery, and the power of perseverance. Will Dennis be able to complete the marathon and win back the love of his life? Find out in this feel-good film that will leave you cheering for Dennis every step of the way.
Also Known As:
Run Fatboy RunRelease Date:
28 Mar 2008Writers:
Michael Ian Black, Simon PeggAwards:
3 nominations