Welcome to the thrilling world of Rumble! In this action-packed animated comedy, monster wrestling reigns supreme. Set in a world where monsters are celebrity athletes and monster wrestling is a global sensation, we follow the inspiring journey of teenage Winnie. Eager to honor her father's legacy, Winnie takes on the challenge of coaching an unlikely monster into becoming a true champion.
Determined and compassionate, Winnie looks beyond the surface and sees the potential within the lovable underdog. With her guidance and unwavering belief, she sets out to turn this unlikely contender into a force to be reckoned with in the ring.
But it won't be an easy task. Along the way, our young protagonist must face numerous obstacles, doubters, and rival competitors. As she trains her monster with heart and perseverance, Winnie begins to learn the true power of teamwork, friendship, and finding strength from within.
Rumble is a heartwarming tale that combines laughter, action, and a dash of inspiration. Join Winnie on her journey as she navigates the thrilling world of monster wrestling, and discover the power of determination, acceptance, and following your dreams. Get ready for a wildly entertaining adventure that will capture the hearts of viewers of all ages. Will Winnie succeed in her mission to transform her monster into a true champion? Watch Rumble to find out!
Also Known As:
RumbleRelease Date:
18 Feb 2022Writers:
Matt Lieberman, Hamish Grieve, Alexandra Bracken