Rubble Kings (2010) is a groundbreaking documentary that provides an in-depth look into the era of gang rule in New York City from 1968 to 1975. During this time, the city was plagued by violence, with gangs ruling the streets and law enforcement and social agencies struggling to restore peace. The film goes beyond the surface to explore the underlying causes of this unrest, revealing a deep-seated rage that existed in the city.
However, amidst the chaos, a few extraordinary and forgotten individuals emerged, embarking on a journey that would change the world for generations: they gave birth to hip-hop culture. These courageous individuals defied the odds and brought about a peaceful resolution to the bloodshed that plagued the city.
Rubble Kings presents a comprehensive documentation of life during this tumultuous period, shedding light on the struggles and triumphs of the people involved. Through interviews with former gang members, archival footage, and powerful storytelling, the film takes viewers on a journey through history, showcasing the impact these individuals had on the world.
With its raw and gritty portrayal of the era, Rubble Kings offers a unique and authentic perspective, shedding light on a forgotten chapter in New York City's history. This documentary is a must-watch for those interested in understanding the origins of hip-hop culture and the resilience of the human spirit.