Roswell, New Mexico is a captivating sci-fi drama series that takes place in a small town where aliens coexist in secret alongside humans. These extraterrestrial beings possess extraordinary abilities and lead seemingly normal lives to protect their true identities. However, when a shocking and violent incident occurs, it becomes apparent that there is a larger alien presence at play.
As the town grapples with the aftermath of the attack, the politics of fear and hatred begin to emerge, posing a serious threat to the alien community's hidden existence. With tensions escalating, the aliens find themselves at risk of being exposed to the world.
The series explores themes of identity, acceptance, and the human capacity for fear and prejudice. It delves into the complex relationships between humans and aliens, while also addressing the personal struggles and secrets of the main characters. Love, loyalty, and bravery become paramount as they navigate the challenges of living in a world that may not be ready to accept them.
Roswell, New Mexico offers a compelling blend of mystery, romance, and intergalactic intrigue that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With its stellar cast, expert storytelling, and breathtaking visuals, this series is a must-watch for fans of the sci-fi genre and those seeking a thrilling and thought-provoking television experience.
Also Known As:
Roswell, New MexicoRelease Date:
15 Jan 2019Writers:
Carina Adly MacKenzieAwards:
2 nominations