Robert (2015) tells the chilling tale of a family who finds themselves in the midst of terrifying supernatural occurrences after their son brings home a vintage doll named Robert. Based on real-life events, this gripping horror film explores the sinister forces at play as the family struggles to come to terms with the malevolent presence that has invaded their home. As the terrifying incidents escalate, the family must confront their fears and unravel the mystery surrounding the doll in order to protect themselves from its evil influence.
With a haunting atmosphere and intense performances, Robert (2015) delivers a spine-tingling viewing experience that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. As the family's struggle with the malevolent doll intensifies, audiences will be drawn into a suspenseful and gripping narrative that will keep them guessing until the very end. Don't miss out on this terrifying tale of supernatural terror and evil forces at work in Robert (2015).
Also Known As:
RobertRelease Date:
24 Aug 2015Writers:
Andrew Jones