Set during World War II in Milan, Robbing Mussolini follows the story of an ambitious and daring entrepreneur named Giovanni. Fueled by his desire for wealth and fortune, Giovanni forms a motley crew of misfits and rogues with the audacious goal of pulling off an intricate heist. Their target? The legendary treasure belonging to none other than the infamous Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini.
Drawing inspiration from classic heist films, Robbing Mussolini promises a thrilling and captivating adventure filled with twists and turns. Giovanni's band of unlikely allies must navigate through a web of deceit, danger, and betrayal as they devise their plan to outwit both Mussolini's formidable security and their own personal demons.
As the stakes continue to rise, the group finds themselves racing against time to secure the treasure and escape with their lives intact. In a city ravaged by war, they must confront their own moral dilemmas and confront painful truths about their pasts.
With a mix of suspense, humor, and heart, Robbing Mussolini is a genre-bending film that explores themes of greed, redemption, and the power of unity. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker and supported by a talented ensemble cast, this thrilling heist movie is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Robbing MussoliniRelease Date:
26 Oct 2022Writers:
Renato De Maria