Rob the Mob is a thrilling crime drama released in 2014. Set in Queens, the movie revolves around a couple, Tommy Uva and Rosie DeMateo, who find themselves entangled in a dangerous web of crime. Tommy and Rosie become experts in robbing mafia social clubs, but their lives take an unexpected turn when they stumble upon a lucrative opportunity that could change their lives forever.
As they embark on this heist, they unintentionally become targets not only for the powerful mafia but also for the FBI. Now, Tommy and Rosie must navigate the treacherous waters of organized crime and law enforcement, while trying to stay alive.
Directed by Raymond De Felitta, Rob the Mob captures the tension and excitement of the criminal underworld, while also exploring the human complexities of love and loyalty. The movie features an impressive cast including Michael Pitt as Tommy Uva, Nina Arianda as Rosie DeMateo, and Andy Garcia as a mafia boss.
Rob the Mob is a gripping and fast-paced crime drama that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With its blend of action, suspense, and romance, this movie offers an intriguing and captivating narrative that is sure to entertain audiences.
Also Known As:
Rob the MobRelease Date:
17 Apr 2014Writers:
Jonathan Fernandez