Ripped (2017) is a comedy film that follows two carefree stoners named Harris and Reeves. While they indulge in smoking a special strain of top-secret pot created by the CIA in 1986, something unexpected happens—they are suddenly transported 30 years into the future, landing in 2016.
Finding themselves in a world completely different from what they remember, Harris and Reeves must navigate through contemporary society and catch up on the lost years of their lives. With their newfound balding heads and extra weight, the duo's carefree enthusiasm serves as their guiding light as they attempt to regain control of their lives and adapt to the modern world.
As they adjust, Harris and Reeves encounter various challenges and humorous misunderstandings, leading to comical situations and unlikely friendships. Together, they navigate the complexities of technology, relationships, and societal norms, all while trying to stay true to themselves.
Filled with laughter, Ripped provides an entertaining exploration of what it means to be out of touch with time and how two unconventional friends find their way in a world that has moved on without them. Join Harris and Reeves on their hilarious and enlightening journey as they reclaim their lives and discover what it truly means to live in the present day.