In the heartwarming animated film Rio, Blu, a domesticated macaw from Minnesota, discovers an unexpected and thrilling journey when he crosses paths with the spirited Jewel. Blu, a lovable and somewhat nerdy bird, has never learned to fly, but he learns that there's much more to life outside the comforts of his small-town existence.
When Jewel, a fiercely independent macaw, enters his life, Blu is enchanted by her free-spirited nature. Little does he know, Jewel holds the key to his true destiny. The two birds embark on a thrilling adventure to Rio de Janeiro, a vibrant and lively city that serves as the setting for their unforgettable journey.
As Blu and Jewel face numerous challenges and encounter an array of colorful characters, they must work together to overcome obstacles and find their place in the world. Along the way, they discover the importance of friendship, love, and the beauty of embracing one's true self.
With its stunning animated visuals, catchy music, and heartwarming storyline, Rio is an enchanting tale that will captivate audiences of all ages. Join Blu and Jewel on their exciting adventure and learn that sometimes the greatest journeys lead us to unexpected destinations.
Also Known As:
RioRelease Date:
15 Apr 2011Writers:
Carlos Saldanha, Earl Richey Jones, Todd R. JonesAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 3 wins & 31 nominations total