Ring Ring (2019) is a thrilling comedy-horror film that follows a group of telemarketers who seek revenge after being fired by their stingy boss. Determined to prove themselves, they steal their former company's client list to start their own firm. However, during a night of celebration and indulgence, they lose the phone containing the crucial customer information.
On Halloween night, two of the co-workers, Amber and Will, embark on a frantic mission to track down the lost device. Their search leads them to a sinister house where they unknowingly enter the twisted domain of a deranged drug addict.
Trapped in this nightmarish scenario, Amber and Will must navigate through the horrors of the house, battling against their own fears and the depraved drug addict who will stop at nothing to protect his secrets. As the tension escalates, the duo's resourcefulness and courage are put to the ultimate test.
Ring Ring (2019) combines elements of comedy, horror, and suspense, providing viewers with an exhilarating and darkly humorous experience. With unexpected twists and turns, the film explores themes of revenge, survival, and the consequences of one's actions.