In the riveting movie Ricochet (1991), a gripping tale of crime and vengeance unfolds. The plot centers around a District Attorney named Nick Styles, who finds himself tormented by a dangerous criminal from his past. As a former cop, Styles had successfully incarcerated the criminal, Earl Talbot Blake, years ago. However, Blake now seeks revenge and unleashes a campaign of terror against Styles, determined to make him suffer.
With its intense storyline, Ricochet explores themes of justice, morality, and the murky lines between good and evil. As Blake's mind games escalate, Styles is forced to confront his own demons and navigate a treacherous web of deceit.
Directed by Russell Mulcahy, this action-packed thriller keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its unpredictable twists and turns. The performances of the talented cast, including Denzel Washington as Styles and John Lithgow as Blake, deliver a captivating and immersive experience.
Ricochet masterfully intertwines gripping action sequences with suspenseful storytelling. As Styles struggles to protect his family and reclaim his life, audiences will be engrossed by the high-stakes battle of wits between the two adversaries.
With its gritty atmosphere and non-stop action, Ricochet is a must-watch for fans of crime thrillers. Prepare to be riveted by this gripping tale of revenge and the endurance of the human spirit.
Also Known As:
RicochetRelease Date:
04 Oct 1991Writers:
Fred Dekker, Menno Meyjes, Steven E. de Souza