Dorothy, the beloved protagonist of The Wizard of Oz, returns to the mesmerizing world of Oz in the thrilling fantasy film Return to Oz. Rescued from a harrowing psychiatric experiment by a mysterious young girl named Ozma, Dorothy finds herself mysteriously summoned back to the enchanting land. However, she soon discovers a devastating truth: the once picturesque and magical realm of Oz has been ravaged by a vain witch and the formidable Nome King, who have unleashed chaos and destruction upon its inhabitants.
Driven by a brave and unwavering spirit, Dorothy embarks on a courageous journey to save her friends and restore the beauty and harmony of Oz. Along the way, she encounters a host of fascinating characters, including a talking pumpkin man, a wise and friendly gnome king, and the iconic Scarecrow, who has lost his memory. Together, they unite in a daring quest to overcome the evil forces that threaten to erase the very essence of Oz.
With stunning visuals, captivating storytelling, and a heartfelt message about the power of resilience and friendship, Return to Oz is a must-watch for fans of the original Wizard of Oz and anyone seeking an enchanting adventure that transcends time. Brace yourself for a spellbinding odyssey as Dorothy, armed with her determination and the support of her newfound allies, faces her fears and emerges as a courageous hero. Experience the magic of Oz once again and join Dorothy on a remarkable quest to restore hope and wonder to this beloved world.
Also Known As:
Return to OzRelease Date:
21 Jun 1985Writers:
Walter Murch, Gill Dennis, L. Frank BaumAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 6 nominations total