Retina (2017) is a thrilling and suspenseful movie that follows the journey of a young woman who, out of desperation, takes part in a medical study. Little does she know, this decision will lead to a terrifying series of events that blur the line between dreams and reality. As her nightmares intensify and she experiences unusual side effects, she becomes determined to uncover the truth behind the study and find out what is really happening.
The film explores the psychological turmoil the protagonist faces as she finds herself on the run from those involved in the study. With every moment, the suspense builds, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. As the nightmares continue to haunt her, she is forced to confront her own fears and navigate a dangerous world where nothing is as it seems.
Retina delves into the themes of identity, truth, and survival, as the young woman fights to unravel the mystery behind the study and reclaim her own reality. This captivating psychological thriller will keep audiences guessing until the very end, as the protagonist races against time to piece together the puzzle before it's too late.
Don't miss out on Retina (2017), a heart-pounding film that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Watch it now on our streaming service and prepare to be captivated by its gripping storyline and mind-bending twists.
Also Known As:
Carlos Ferrer