Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, a thrilling animated series, follows the adventures of federal agent Leon S. Kennedy and TerraSave staff member Claire Redfield as they join forces to uncover the truth behind a terrifying zombie outbreak. Drawing inspiration from the highly acclaimed video game series developed by Capcom, this action-packed series promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
As the story unfolds, Leon and Claire find themselves on a mission to investigate a mysterious zombie infestation that threatens to unleash chaos on the world. With their expertise and skills, they must navigate through treacherous territories, encountering dangerous creatures and uncovering dark secrets along the way.
With stunning animation and intense visuals, Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness brings the renowned video game franchise to life. Fans of the Resident Evil series will be enthralled by the faithful adaptation of the beloved characters and the suspenseful atmosphere that the series is known for.
Prepare to immerse yourself in the gripping world of Resident Evil as Leon and Claire fight to protect humanity from the forces of evil that lurk in the shadows. Join them on this thrilling journey and discover the truth behind the zombie outbreak in Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, an adrenaline-fueled series that will leave you wanting more.
Also Known As:
Resident Evil: Infinite DarknessRelease Date:
08 Jul 2021Writers:
Hiroyuki Kobayashi