Repmånad eller Hur man gör pojkar av män is a Swedish comedy film released in 1979. The story follows Jonsson, who is called back to his old regiment to practice the skills he learned during his conscription. Upon arrival, he reunites with his old friends, Larsson, the platoon leader, and Captain 'Beethoven', who has a passion for music.
Throughout the film, Jonsson and his comrades engage in hilarious antics and adventures as they return to military life. They encounter eccentric characters, including a strict sergeant, a pacifist, and a hot-tempered soldier. Together, they navigate the challenges of military drills, physical training, and the strict hierarchy of the military.
As the story unfolds, Jonsson and his friends find themselves in a series of laugh-out-loud situations, often defying authority and finding creative ways to have fun. Despite their mischievous behavior, they ultimately learn important lessons about friendship, loyalty, and growing up.
Repmånad eller Hur man gör pojkar av män is a lighthearted and entertaining film that combines comedy, music, and military themes. It offers a humorous and nostalgic look at the experiences of conscription and the bonds formed between soldiers.
Also Known As:
Repmånad eller Hur man gör pojkar av mänRelease Date:
23 Feb 1979Writers:
Lasse Åberg, Bo Jonsson, Lars Molin