The show revolves around Jennifer "Scout" Lauer, a teenage girl who lives the simple life in New York City until her photographer father is sent on year-round trip around the world and she is forced to live with her Know-it-all mo...
Category: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Stars: Anastasia Baranova, Freedom Hadebe, Chantell Stander
The story of the everyday lives of a handful of people who live at Skeppsholmen in Stockholm.
Category: Drama
Stars: Henrik Norlén, Anki Lidén, Jonas Falk, Anna Sise
The series revolves around some young people in Stockholm: Kim, Petra, Pelle and Melas. The first season he is about their last semester of high school. And the second season, called Spung 2.0, is about their lives after high school.
Category: Drama
Stars: Daniel Larsson, Victor Ström, Karl Norrhäll