Red Oaks is a delightful coming-of-age comedy set in the vibrant 1980s era. The story follows a college student named David who embarks on an unforgettable summer adventure before his future begins. As the summer winds down and responsibilities loom, David puts his future plans on hold to work as an assistant tennis pro at the prestigious Red Oaks Country Club.
Amidst the luxury and opulence of the country club, David forms unlikely friendships with his co-workers, guides his parents through their own midlife crises, and navigates through the complexities of young love. The series expertly captures the vibrant spirit of the go-go 80s, with nostalgia-inducing fashion, music, and cultural references.
At its core, Red Oaks presents a relatable coming-of-age story that explores themes of self-discovery, following one's passions, and the universal challenges of transitioning into adulthood. David's journey resonates with viewers as he learns valuable life lessons, finds his true self, and realizes that the summer's end is just the beginning of a new chapter.
With its blend of humor, heartwarming moments, and captivating characters, Red Oaks is a crowd-pleasing series that will make you laugh, reminisce, and reflect on your own coming-of-age experiences. It is a must-watch for anyone looking for a nostalgic and entertaining trip back to the 80s.
Also Known As:
Red OaksRelease Date:
28 Aug 2014Writers:
Joe Gangemi, Gregory JacobsAwards:
2 nominations