Red Heat is an action-packed buddy cop film from 1988. The story revolves around Ivan Danko, a no-nonsense Russian police officer, who is sent to Chicago to capture a notorious Georgian drug lord who killed his partner and escaped. Forced to collaborate with a cocky and rule-breaking Chicago detective, Art Ridzik, the unlikely duo must put aside their differences and work together to bring the criminal to justice.
Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, Red Heat delivers a thrilling and tense storyline filled with high-stakes action sequences. As Danko and Ridzik embark on their mission, they find themselves navigating through the dangerous underbelly of the Chicago crime scene.
The film expertly combines adrenaline-pumping car chases, intense shootouts, and gritty fight scenes, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats throughout. Alongside the thrilling action, Red Heat also explores the cultural clash between the two main characters, showcasing the contrasting policing methods and personalities of Danko and Ridzik.
Featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger as Danko and Jim Belushi as Ridzik, Red Heat boasts a powerful and entertaining on-screen chemistry between the two leads. Packed with explosive action and strong performances, this buddy cop film is sure to captivate fans of the genre and leave them wanting more.
Also Known As:
Red HeatRelease Date:
17 Jun 1988Writers:
Walter Hill, Harry Kleiner, Troy Kennedy-Martin