Record of Youth (2020–) is a captivating Korean drama series that explores the lives of two aspiring actors, Sa Hye-jun and Ahn Jeong-ha, and their talented makeup artist friend, Won Hae-hyo. Set in the competitive entertainment industry, the series delves into the challenges they face as they strive to pursue their dreams and carve their own paths, against a society that often judges them based on their backgrounds.
Sa Hye-jun, played by Park Bo-gum, is a young and determined actor who dreams of making it big in the industry. Despite coming from a modest background, he's determined to prove himself and overcome the obstacles that stand in his way. Ahn Jeong-ha, portrayed by Park So-dam, is a makeup artist who shares the same dreams as Hye-jun. Together, they navigate the cutthroat world of show business, building meaningful friendships, and finding love amidst the challenges they face.
Their journey intertwines with that of Hae-hyo, played by Byeon Woo-seok, a fellow actor who comes from a privileged background. The series explores the contrasting experiences of these three friends as they strive to make their mark in an industry that often prioritizes background and connections over raw talent.
Record of Youth is an emotionally charged and thought-provoking series that delves into themes of ambition, friendship, love, and the pursuit of dreams. With its compelling characters and heartfelt storytelling, the series offers an engaging exploration of the trials and triumphs faced by young individuals in search of success and fulfillment.
Also Known As:
Record of YouthRelease Date:
07 Sep 2020