Rango, released in 2011, tells the story of an ordinary chameleon named Rango who finds himself in the lawless town of Dirt. This animated adventure takes place in the Wild West, where the townspeople are in desperate need of a new sheriff to restore order. With his unique abilities, Rango steps up to the challenge and embraces his role as their savior.
As Rango settles into his newfound position, he quickly realizes that being a hero comes with its own set of challenges. He must confront his own insecurities and fears while managing the expectations of the townsfolk. Rango's journey takes him on a thrilling and comedic adventure as he battles against villains, unravels dark mysteries, and uncovers the truth about Dirt's water shortage.
With stunning visuals and captivating storytelling, Rango is a film that appeals to both children and adults. Packed with engaging characters, humorous dialogues, and exciting action sequences, this movie offers a perfect blend of entertainment and heart. Rango's journey from an ordinary chameleon to the town's unlikely hero is filled with valuable life lessons and themes of self-discovery and courage.
Directed by Gore Verbinski and featuring the voice talents of Johnny Depp, Rango is an animated gem that will keep audiences entertained from start to finish. The film has received critical acclaim for its exceptional animation and screenplay, making it a must-watch for all animation enthusiasts.
Also Known As:
RangoRelease Date:
04 Mar 2011Writers:
John Logan, Gore Verbinski, James Ward ByrkitAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. 46 wins & 25 nominations total